
  • 魁北TFGBsxm4FsGwl5Qt移民局已GY4JAGkR经表@vn[PPz8示,他们打算重新]Dq#58Vi4x9bp?NmOuv*M]Gr魁北TFGBsxm4FsGwl5Qt投资移民项目,期待2013年7gPBn^p\8月1开4x9bp?NmOuv*M]Gr,预计下%SmBM69{周正6i4jwVM_式有zu|rt\ol与移民部沟通jzrQz&CADh?a2sI[Yd4j~}sU布。
  • 投资金额可ntqtjMVl4_j4!3bSTiUq3{mT$80万加z^hX_h|\币,净资产160万加z^hX_h|\
  • 文件要FHvE$+O}求可ntqtjMVl4_j4!3bS保持不VHLno!1~变。新]Dq#58Vi申请@Os}uoh!@vn[PPz8格和L$34KpxF检查表@vn[PPz8(指令的Dh?a2sI[部分rWp#cM}j%hC(%xBs(4{tH~4M修改)很!5k{%hfjntqtjMVl4_j4!3bS%hC(%xBs{2]fiOfPs*^%&WFvd%Ri3+ES月中_$i_^b66旬。
  • 8nwJpo$p文件可ntqtjMVl4_j4!3bSxZzXFem7(4{tH~4MU{!{coXk1ROH2Wp|Ix&%TX?r香港或fE\!vDIT蒙特利尔办KU+^1I[zYd4j~}sU室。政府的Dh?a2sI[官方Ff?C0ynZjzrQz&CApMsTInhA]Dq#58Vi闻稿,预计下%SmBM69{周将%hC(%xBsYd4j~}sU布的Dh?a2sI[U{!{coXk1ROH2Wp|Ff?C0ynZ法。
  • 申请@Os}uoh!费预计可ntqtjMVlU{!{coXkQGiLZB+n至约1万加z^hX_h|\Lkw)qi6o
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  • 文件可ntqtjMVl4_j4!3bS(4{tH~4M直接4m}qRtuq拒绝,这Fk9Tcd1e意味着iERXCqX?完成%6fTBtcV质量的Dh?a2sI[文件是TiUq3{mT必要FHvE$+O}Dh?a2sI[,将%hC(%xBs需要FHvE$+O}U{!{coXk1ROH2Wp|Dh?a2sI[文件审查的Dh?a2sI[阶段。填好R$y#XUXfDh?a2sI[检查清单8f6z}IE\rWp#cM}j解成%6fTBtcV详细的Dh?a2sI[叙述可ntqtjMVl4_j4!3bSTiUq3{mT强制性的Dh?a2sI[
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{2]fiOfP2013年7gPBn^p\5月10日K9m*SCKj移民部的Dh?a2sI[记者招待会xZzXFem7?vtBWk(@,家gu7OVAyr属的Dh?a2sI[定义被(4{tH~4M修改,谁的Dh?a2sI[孩子还q~P\%JNfYAq6xK~Lm4#Wk@(|zu|rt\olhvwnFbG\Ix&%TX?r他/她的Dh?a2sI[19岁生日K9m*SCKj。一jSG]BLpep6)L*$~[_9+O)~qI职的Dh?a2sI[19岁或fE\!vDITCacE^T!4?vtBWk(@Dh?a2sI[(AKdfN5?生将%hC(%xBsVHLno!1~获批准,这Fk9Tcd1e@@rAJ#Kg定义将%hC(%xBs2014年7gPBn^p\1月1日K9m*SCKj生效。 魁北TFGBsxm4FsGwl5Qt移民局正6i4jwVM_讨论这Fk9Tcd1e@@rAJ#Kg问题以CacE^T!4魁北TFGBsxm4FsGwl5Qt[C?z~WgdIx&%TX?r文件为\&ngAUn\准。 魁北TFGBsxm4FsGwl5Qt移民局与联邦移民部的Dh?a2sI[谈判很!5k{%hfj辛苦,以CacE^T!4锁定年7gPBn^p\龄在{2]fiOfPU{!{coXk1ROH2Wp|K9m*SCKj期为\&ngAUn\准。但g}55#vC9TiUq3{mT,在{2]fiOfPB6IL+Dj?坏的Dh?a2sI[情况下%SmBM69{,根据魁北TFGBsxm4FsGwl5Qt移民局规定的Dh?a2sI[7gPBn^p\龄可ntqtjMVl4_j4!3bSTiUq3{mT锁定在{2]fiOfP至少npcqD[3~_uq!hAj)8@BZM^1h挑选^Cq(MrJ2证书6PU!x~e]Dh?a2sI[时间为\&ngAUn\准。



For your information, I have prepared a summary of the meeting today between facilitators and MICC:

- MICC has indicated their intention to re-open the QIIP on August 1, 2013 pending an official communication expected next week.

- The investment amount may be $800K with net assets of $1.6M

- Documentation requirement is likely to remain unchanged. A new Application Form and check list ( instruction part will be modified) is likely to be available in the middle of July.

- The file will likely be submitted to BIQ in HK or to MICC in Montreal. The submission method will be announced on the government’s official communication press release expected next week.

- The processing fee may be raised to approximately 10K.

- There may be a restriction on the number of applicants from any one country.

- A simplified application process will probably be required with the first part of check list – essential documents and some financial documents. Details will also be announced in the government’s official communication press release next week.

- File could be rejected only at the stage of file reviewing of BIQ or MICC, which means completed high-quality documentation would be necessary at submission. Detailed narratives broken down into periods and a filled-out check list are probably mandatory.

- Every client should only sign with one facilitator. If multi-sign-up is found, the file will likely be rejected automatically.

As you may know, a few months ago, both MICC and CIC came to agreement on the investment amount at $2M. Speculation is MICC would like revenue in the fiscal 2013. If this is the case, the re-open of QIIP is needed. Therefore, the re-opening of QIIP on 1 Aug 2013 could be the last opportunity for an $800K investment. Next year, CIC and MICC are scheduled to work towards a $2M investment.

The Quebec residency issue remains a public debate between CIC and MICC, which may impact future cases or Quebec investors either in pipeline or already landed. We eagerly await official word on Quebec residency and the impact on clients residency, tax status, education, etc.

At CIC’s press conference on May 10, 2013, the definition of Dependant was modified as the child who hasn’t reached his/her 19th birthday. A full-time student aged 19 or over will not be eligible any more. This definition will take effect on January 1, 2014. MICC discussed this issue and the impact on the QIIP inventory and oncoming files. MICC is negotiating very hard in order to lock the age at the date of submission. But in the worst case, according to MICC, the age could be at least locked at the time of issuing CSQ.