MIA(澳洲移民协会xZzXFem7)与DIAC 在{2]fiOfP2012年7gPBn^p\3月5日K9m*SCKjNGMr+!LzrQ^rla$t配偶移民的Dh?a2sI[xZzXFem7议中_$i_^b66U{!{coXk8@BZM^1hdecision ready类_Dj&5a\^别的Dh?a2sI[澳洲境内{vs3)Ex]8t4}?L0Oq*Fh)D|2配偶移民申请@Os}uoh!ntqtjMVl优先审理以CacE^T!4%SmBM69{\&ngAUn\原文细节_Hv0kdQ|: 

Fiona McCulloch, Director of Programme Delivery, Partner Migration (Temporary and Provisional) has confirmed the following in relation to Partner Migration:

As a general principle, DIAC processes applications in order of receipt,however if agents or clients are able to submit decision ready applications then those applications are prioritised.

It is conceivable that if a case is decision ready, front-loaded with all documentation on file, that the application could be decided within days of lodgement

A decision ready application means thatall information to reach a positive decision is available to the assessor.

This means that all necessary penal checks have been provided and are "clear" health tests completed and "clear", and that there is sufficient information to determine that all other relevant criteria are met. The "application checklist" on the DIAC web-page sets out the evidentiary requirements which must be met.

Cases are screened for decision readiness on lodgement. Where agents or clients submit incomplete applications, these are queued for finalisation in date order (currently 9 - 12 months). DIAC also seeks to identify where cases become decision ready while queued, and where these can be identified, then they too are prioritised for finalisation. Agents are welcome to contact the manager of the relevant processing team (via the team's e-mailbox) to bring to attention any case which the agent considers is decision ready (for example, where police clearances have been provided subsequent to application lodgement). Applications which have not been accompanied by relevant penal and health clearances are not decision ready.

DIAC has a large pipeline of around 20,000 cases, and the nature of the caseload is such that the level of relationship evidence that is for each case will vary, depending on the circumstances of the case. Agents should therefore not expect that DIAC will debate with them whether a case is decision ready or not. If the case is not considered by DIAC to be decision ready, then a tailored request for specific additional information will be made once the application reaches the front of the queue.

DIAC will only interview a tiny fraction of cases. Most will be decided without face to face interview. Where additional information or clarification is and the assessor believes that this can be obtained by telephone or email, then they will do so.

Agents are encouraged to send applications by mail or courier directly to the relevant processing centre. Applications may also be lodged in person at any regional DIAC office, however this is not preferred as applications received this way will require internal transfer, potentially causing delays. Some DIAC offices (Sydney CBD, Parramatta, Perth) have introduced drop-boxes where clients and agents may leave partner visa applications, for transfer to the relevant processing team. Where Perth-based clients wish to lodge their applications in person, they currently must make an appointment before doing so.

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