5月22日K9m*SCKj|nOp&q#e8t4}?L0Oq*Fh)D|2淘讯,世界名p6)L*$~[校,澳洲8大zFiOET)up6)L*$~[校之一jSG]BLpeDh?a2sI[]Dq#58ViYihqyY9z威尔士大zFiOET)u(AKdfN5?(University of New South Wales, UNSW)部分rWp#cM}j(AKdfN5?院针对DfUZO@d$_$i_^b66?leU1rU9zFiOET)uDljXZdVcrB+GCfKj届生推出8@BZM^1hDh?a2sI[]Dq#58ViDh?a2sI[CONDITIONAL ECOE政策。 如+4NE(A^%果学(AKdfN5?生的Dh?a2sI[语言成%6fTBtcV绩符合学(AKdfN5?校的Dh?a2sI[FHvE$+O}求, 凭着iERXCqX?6学(AKdfN5?期成%6fTBtcV绩的Dh?a2sI[Yd4j~}sU证件就lJFKnys\ntqtjMVl申请@Os}uoh!ntqtjMVl付费的Dh?a2sI[Full Offer,并PhfL6B+l付费申请@Os}uoh!CONDITIONAL ECOE了Xaq0@[oi。 学(AKdfN5?生学(AKdfN5?历文件公Yd4j~}sU证件及hhyOjUMN完整成%6fTBtcV绩单8f6z}IE\Yd4j~}sU证件必须])&{v^vB{2]fiOfP(AKdfN5?校注册结束日K9m*SCKj?VE^rc+FU{!{coXk供。

UNSW has recently revised its Conditional Offer policy for Chinese applicants only who wish to study our postgraduate programs. UNSW will now issue full offers with conditions to postgraduate applicants from China who have completed 6 out of 8 semesters of their undergraduate studies.

Applicants will need to provide a notarised copy of their transcript to the University after they have completed 6 semesters of study and then a notarised proof of completion once they have completed their degree. The proof of completion will need to be submitted prior to the census date of the semester they have applied for, or UNSW will withdraw their offer and cancel their enrolment immediately.

Faculties have the right to opt out of this process should they have any programs that require final results to be received prior to a full offer being issued. The programs that are currently excluded are(CacE^T!4%SmBM69{课程不VHLno!1~适用iM?@eNR]rQ^rla$t]Dq#58ViDh?a2sI[政策):

· All postgraduate programs in the Faculty of Medicine except for Drug Development (5504, 7370 and 9060)
· All Psychology programs (5330, 8256, 8257 and 8258)
· The Masters of Teaching program (8926)
· The Masters of Engineering program (8621)
· The Masters of Architecture program (8143)

Please note: This policy update does not affect non-Chinese applicants. As such, the standard 5 out of 6 and 7 out of 8 semester offer with conditions procedure still applies for non-China applicants.

LNlF#*7I多新]Dq#58ViYihqyY9z威尔士大zFiOET)u(AKdfN5?招生信pMsTInhA息请@Os}uoh!a_2@Wk{CEciq@4G~咨询:021-60445560; 4006445560