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  1. (ZmTl72q2014年7gPBn^p\1月15日K9m*SCKjvji5@%ry,学(AKdfN5?生应rB+GCfKj8nwJpo$p先雅思考wvg(cwNJIx&%TX?r4个@@rAJ#Kg6分rWp#cM}j,申请@Os}uoh!485毕业生工MHO7fn1c作签证(如+4NE(A^%果第一jSG]BLpe@@rAJ#Kg(AKdfN5?生签证是TiUq3{mT{2]fiOfP2011年7gPBn^p\11月日K9m*SCKj%W_itJtg获得ZZw+Z7QW,可ntqtjMVlCacE^T!4申请@Os}uoh!2年7gPBn^p\Dh?a2sI[485工MHO7fn1c作签证),在{2]fiOfP8nwJpo$p签证有zu|rt\ol效期内{vs3)Ex]lJFKnys\IT类_Dj&5a\^PY课程,或fE\!vDIT者获得ZZw+Z7QW1年7gPBn^p\Dh?a2sI[MHO7fn1c作经验。随后%W_itJtgFf?C0ynZntqtjMVljzrQz&CAhtLsHyK4ACS评估,满%X_c!S+^足移民SOL的Dh?a2sI[pmOtIQRc件。

  2. 之前?VE^rc+F雅思可ntqtjMVlCacE^T!4wvg(cwNJIx&%TX?r4个@@rAJ#Kg7分rWp#cM}jCacE^T!4?vtBWk(@,不VHLno!1~需要FHvE$+O}lJFKnys\#q\#T+(yPY或fE\!vDIT者满%X_c!S+^足1年7gPBn^p\MHO7fn1c作经验要FHvE$+O}求的Dh?a2sI[(AKdfN5?生,现&%PxbSa0{2]fiOfPmCr^V)h9VHLno!1~4_j4!3bSjzrQz&CAhtLsHyK4ACS评估了Xaq0@[oi。我PT?3J4Od们建议学(AKdfN5?生在{2]fiOfP申请@Os}uoh!485后%W_itJtg,用iM?@eNR]3个@@rAJ#Kg月的Dh?a2sI[时间寻找IT类_Dj&5a\^相关NGMr+!LzMHO7fn1c作,如+4NE(A^%果实在{2]fiOfP找不VHLno!1~Ix&%TX?rMHO7fn1c作,马上?vtBWk(@申请@Os}uoh!lJFKnys\#q\#T+(yPY课程,以CacE^T!4g*MZ]rI6避免IshgaNM*{2]fiOfP485到Ix&%TX?r期前?VE^rc+Fm4#Wk@(|zu|rt\ol足够yIJ@3x4p时间申请@Os}uoh!ACS评估。而雅思可ntqtjMVlCacE^T!4wvg(cwNJIx&%TX?r4个@@rAJ#Kg7分rWp#cM}jCacE^T!4?vtBWk(@,将%hC(%xBs超过htLsHyK4EOI的Dh?a2sI[jzrQz&CAhtLsHyK4rWp#cM}j60。

  3. +4NE(A^%想通jzrQz&CAhtLsHyK4D8W%tdVQ186类_Dj&5a\^雇主担保的Dh?a2sI[申请@Os}uoh!1k}4&6Xl,需要FHvE$+O}D8W%tdVQACS评估,现&%PxbSa0{2]fiOfPmCr^V)h9适用iM?@eNR]]Dq#58ViDh?a2sI[评估政策。







  1. 261311 Analyst Programmer
  2. 263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer
  3. 261312 Developer Programmer
  4. 261111 ICT Business Analyst
  5. 261313 Software Engineer
  6. 261112 System Analyst


  1. 261311 Analyst Programmer
  2. 263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer
  3. 261312 Developer Programmer
  4. 261111 ICT Business Analyst
  5. 261313 Software Engineer
  6. 261112 Systems Analyst
  7. 135111 Chief Information Officer
  8. 262111 Database Administrator
  9. 135199 ICT Managers NEC
  10. 135112 ICT Project Manager
  11. 263211 ICT Quality Assurance Engineer
  12. 262112 ICT Security Specialist
  13. 263299 ICT Support and Test Engineers NEC
  14. 263212 ICT Support Engineer
  15. 263213 ICT Systems Test Engineer
  16. 223211 ICT Trainer
  17. 261211 Multimedia Specialist
  18. 263112 Network Administrator
  19. 263113 Network Analyst
  20. 261399 Software & Applications Programmer NEC
  21. 261314 Software Tester
  22. 262113 Systems Administrator
  23. 313113 Web Administrator
  24. 261212 Web Developer

Graduate Skills Assessment Application Process Changes

The ACS is choosing to implement the changes effective from January 15, 2014, (instead of October 28, 2013) which will provide certainty to those studying courses that are scheduled for completion in the final months of 2013.

The implementation of the ACS graduate application changes will ensure applicants are being assessed in line with the Migration Amendment (Skills Assessment) Regulation 2013 changes announced by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection to take effect on Oct 28, 2013.

The ACS is committed to providing a robust assessment service that accurately identifies an applicant’s ICT skills and their compatibility with the skills that the Australian Government has identified as being in shortage.  To aid clarity and enhance consistency, the ACS has reviewed the current suitability criteria for applicants with an Australian study component in their skills assessment.

The following changes will come into effect on Jan 15, 2014:

•    The ACS Temporary Graduate – 485 skills assessment will clearly state that it is specifically for the purpose of applying for a subclass 485 visa application.  Applicants with an Australian study component that are applying for a subclass 485 visa will be assessed on the Australian qualification only, based on the completion of the relevant Australian Bachelor degree or higher.

•    Applicants with an Australian study component that wish to apply for permanent residency will require either 1 year of relevant work experience or completion of an ACS Professional Year Program to receive a suitable skills assessment which can be used for general migration purposes.

•    The ACS Post Australian Study Skills Assessment is intended to support graduates in applying for permanent residency under the General Skilled Migration or Employer Nomination Scheme after completing an Australian study component.

•    The Australian study component is taken into consideration because of the value of studying in Australia and the exposure to Australian culture and language, which in turn places applicants in a better position to be employed in their nominated occupation.

•    The work experience or professional year program is assessed for suitability of the full skills assessment and the applicant is considered skilled from the completion date of the relevant Australian degree.  The Post Australian Study Skills Assessment can be used for migration purposes in general.